The South Of England Basset Hound Club

To be held at Victoria Hall,
Nr Aldershot
on Sunday 17th April 2016 at 3 pm.
1. Chairman’s Opening remarks
2. Apologises for absence
3. Minutes of AGM 2015
4. Matters Arising
5. Chairman’s Report
6. Hon Secretary’s Report
7. Hon Treasurer’s Report
8. Election of Auditor for ensuring year
9. Election of Vice-Presidents
10. Election of Officers and Committee
The officers: The Chair, Mrs Valerie Davies is retiring on rotation. Mrs Valerie Davie is willing to re-stand and does not need to be nominated.
The Committee: There are 3 vacancies on the committee. Mrs Maria Hansen and Miss Jenny Inman are willing to stand for a term of 3 years and do not require nomination. Miss Jess Kirby will not be standing for re-election which presents one vacancy on the committee.
11. Health Report.
12. Proposal by Mr Patrick Walden. Mr Patrick Walden has proposed and Mrs Valerie Davies has seconded that an addition be placed in the club’s Constitution and Rules as advised by the Kennel Club which came into effect from January 2015. In addition to the sentence in rule 9, CLUB ACCOUNTS, the Kennel Club have advised that the club should add the sentence ‘Certification of accounts must be carried out by one qualified accountant or two individuals with accountancy experience. Those undertaking the certification must be independent from those who prepare the accounts. A copy of the annual statement of accounts for the last financial year which must be made available on request to members 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Additionally, the annual statement of accounts will be available for inspection by members at the Annual General Meeting’ after the sentence ‘The accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer and an auditor shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting who shall certify the Club’s accounts for the ensuing year prior to the next Annual General Meeting’.
13. AOB at the Chair’s discretion
Held at Victoria Hall, Ash, Nr Aldershot on Sunday 17th April 2016 at 3 pm.
Present: Patrick Walden, Sue Ergis, Valerie Davies, Kim Culyer-Dawson, Linda and Keith Gater, Carol Allchorne, Sue Huntley, Maria Hansen, Mark Walden.
Apologises for absence : Patience Walden, Linda Skerritt, Jenna Betts, Maureen Henningsson-Dundas, Roger Henningsson-Dundas, Jenny Inman, M Priday, Lauren Armstrong
3. Minutes of AGM 2015: agreed as a true record of the meeting. Proposed: Belinda Coleman, Seconded: Sue Huntley. Agreed, unanimously.
4. Matters Arising: Any matters arising come up in other areas.
5. Chairman’s Report . Dear Members,
The time is here again to look back at the past year. The club is still in a sound position financially. It is thanks to the work of our committee with their generosity of time and donations for food and prizes that we are in this position.
I would like to thank long serving members Keith and Linda for the attractive table full of prizes for the raffle, to Sue and Maria for the first class food they provide and to everyone else for the hard work in setting up and the harder work at the end the day, putting it away and cleaning up. All done with good humour!
We are settling in a Chieveley and I’m sure everyone appreciates the extra space. We have to balance the higher cost for the facilities with our income so we do rely on the support of the Members and entries.
Due to the mix up lf dates the July show had to be held on a Saturday which had an effect on the entry. The judge was Roger Henningsson-Dundas who had some good quality exhibits and also made the afternoon games fun.
We were farther away from the main building but all took it in good part.
Discover Dogs was held at ExCel and once again thanks are due to Km setting up and taking down and to Carol Allchorne for such sterling work with her dogs who are great ambassadors for the breed, plus thank you also to Sally Money and Su Jones for helping out.
February came and we were at Chieveley, where Andrew Scott had an excellent entry to go over.
The ‘hoped for’ repeat match with the Beagles was unable to be held as the Beagles held a club show on the same day but we are ready to take them on again next year if they are up for it!!
Thank you all for your continuing support. Val Davies
6. Hon Secretary’s Report : Mrs Kim Culyer-Dawson gave her report. 2015 was a quiet year. We had few members joining and less than a handful of litters being delivered in the South by breeders that we would recommend.
Our membership list in 2015 stood at 52 in total with 17 being joint and 18 single.
This is a drop from 2014 where membership stood at 20 joint and 21 single. A total of 61 members.
Using information collated by Trish Wells, there were roughly 29 litters registered with the kennel club, the majority were bred in the North. Sadly, this has been the trend of recent years as designer dogs and fashion breeds such as French Bulldogs have been rising steadily. The Bassets Hound in my opinion isn’t really a dog for the first time dog owner. He needs to be understood for his character and special needs due to his unusually physics. In the present climate of the ‘throw away’ society perhaps we should be grateful that the Basset Hound isn’t as popular of years gone by or rescue could be seeing a lot more in the kennels.
I continue to update the website on a monthly basis unless something urgent comes along. We have a growing interest in our Facebook page which now has 67 members. It would be nice to see more photos of companion Bassets being posted. It is a great way of making instant contact with Basset Hound owners although this isn’t yet impacting on our club’s membership list. Ideas to increase membership would be appreciated. Our 2015 shows were very different in comparison to each other. Our February show was a great success generating a good income and making new friends with the Southern Counties Beagle Club but unfortunately, this was not mirrored by the Summer show with our annual Fun day. Perhaps, the face it was on a Saturday was an issue? Hopefully, things will be different this year? Discover Dogs was a great success and is now held at the London ExCel centre. A big thank you news to be said to Sally Money, Su Jones and Carol Allchorne for their fabulous hounds and for educating the breed to the general public.
Our Spring show 2016 was also very successful. The comments after the show were very positive and encouraging. The team (our committee) were and are amazing and this shows in the smooth running of the event.
Thank you everyone, it makes the secretaries job so much easiest… no complaints and happy exhibitors.
Sadly, we have lost one of the committee. Jess Kirby has decided to step down due to her very demanding job. I hope she will keep in touch and visit when she can to support us. I send her best wishes for the future and thank her for the support she gave in the past. Mrs Kim Culyer-Dawson
7. Hon Treasurer’s Report Patrick Walden reported a loss of £213.68 as a result of our activities during the 12 months under review but pointed out we still have substantial reserves, £6447.44.
Chieveley Village Hall has been booked again for our two open shows this year and the treasurer hopes we will be able to at least break even in 2016. In response to a question, Patrick Walden said he would enquire who settled the AGM Hire of Hall cost in 2015.
8. Election of Auditor for ensuring year. Our treasurer, Patrick Walden has sourced an auditor suitable for the club’s needs. The Chartered Accountants, Sheen Stickland been proposed by Patrick Walden and seconded by Sue Ergis. The cost to the club will be £180.00
9. Election of Vice-Presidents. Mrs Sue Ergis and Mr Julian Houldey . Proposed by Kim Culyer-Dawson, Seconded by Valerie Davies. Carried unanimously.
10. Election of Officers and Committee. There is one vacancy on the committee due to Miss Jess Kirby stepping down.
11. Health Report. The The report was read out by the Chairman, Mrs Valerie Davies.
The Health Group are very pleased with how successful the Gold, Silver & Bronze Health Certificates have proven. We currently have a total of 125 dogs on the scheme, 74 holding the gold, 6 with silver & 45 currently on bronze. The Health Group will be providing a Vet at the Basset Hound Club Champ show in August, & The Midland Basset Hound Club Champ show later in the year where we will carry out two further Health Testing sessions for free, but all donation welcome on the day.
The Kennel Club will hold a meeting on the 3rd of June where they will discuss moving the Basset down from Category 3 to category 2, this will mean the breed will still be monitored but a vet check after BOB before competing in the group, or 3rd CC will no longer be need.
Charlotte McNamara from the Kennel Club Attended our Health Meeting In January and expressed only positive feedback about our breed ,and How impressed the KC are with our progress, in particular the Heath Scheme and how this scheme will play such an important part in the decision on if we will remain a category 3 or not.
Future Plans
2 Health Testing Sessions as above
Hands on Seminar in Scotland on the 1st May
A basic introduction to the Basset Hound Seminar, held on the 31st July, held at Norton Parish Hall.
Lauren Armstrong, Health Officer.
12. Proposal to add an additional paragraph to Rule 9 in the Club’s Constitution and Rules.
The proposal to add an additional paragraph to the Constitution and Rules, Rule 9 was unanimously proved. The Secretary will add the additional sentence , ‘Certification of accounts must be carried out by one qualified accountant or two individuals with accountancy experience. Those undertaking the certification must be independent from those who prepare the accounts. A copy of the annual statement of accounts for the last financial year which must be made available on request to members 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Additionally, the annual statement of accounts will be available for inspection by members at the Annual General Meeting’ after the sentence, ‘The accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer and an auditor shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting who shall certify the Club’s accounts for the ensuing year prior to the next Annual General Meeting’. The Secretary, Mrs Kim Culyer-Dawson will inform the Kennel Club of the addition to the Constitution and Rules. Kim will also add the paragraph to the appropriate area of the web site and distribute new Constitution and Rules to the Club’s members once approved by the Kennel Club.
13. Any Other Business.
Patrick Walden has visited the new Kennel Club building in London and gave a very positive report about it.
The meeting was closed by the Chairman at 4.15 pm
Kim Culyer-Dawson
Honorary Secretary