The South Of England Basset Hound Club

The South of England BHC, held on the 30/6/2022.
I would like to thank the committee for my judging appointment and the exhibitors for entering under me, I had some lovely dogs to judge. I found all dogs to have good bites and no skin conditions all were happy with good temperaments.
Minor puppy dog (1)
1st Bates, Diheath Revels at Karames, 8mth old, red and white good size and bone with nice head, dark eye and well placed ears, good front and moved nice for a baby.
Puppy dog (2)
1st Beckett’s, Beckshounds Chewbacca, 9mths old, nice blanketed dark tri, good head with well set and correct shaped ears, strong neck, good shoulders and well-sprung ribs, moved well, was happy to award him BPD.
2nd Allen’s Drawdell’s Serenade, 9mths old, red and white lovely head and expression ears set correct, strong neck leading into well placed shoulders, good front, well-boned with nice tight feet, just didn’t have the movement of 1.
Junior dog (4)
1st Jones, Clanwillow, The Emerald King, 13mths old, smart red and white of good bone with tight feet. Masculine head with nice dark eyes, good reach of neck into well-placed shoulders, nice ribs of good length and strong quarters. Moved with drive and correct tail carriage.
2nd Cudlip’s, Harvidene Doppleganger, 10mths old, attractive male of good size and bone. Tight shoulders and smooth ribs, good rear not as steady in movement as 1.
3rd Bates, Diheath Jar Jar Binks At Karames
Yearling dog (2)
1st Jones, Clanwillow Diamond Miracle, almost 2yrs, red and white of smaller build, good head, eyes and ears. Nice front and reach of neck into tight shoulders with a level topline on stack. On the move, moved well.
2nd Gray’s, Quantas Napoca Olaf NAF TAF, 18mths, smart looking broken tri with masculine head correct shaped eyes, well placed ears. Good length and depth of ribbing, strong rear quarters with good angulation moved true with correct tail carriage. Lost out to 1 due to carrying a bit of weight over neck and shoulders.
Novice dog (1)
1st Bates, Diheath Pyjama At Karames, 2yr old, smart looking tri, handsome head with nice expression, good ears with strong neck, tight shoulders with good front and enough depth. Ribs ok, short loin with well muscled rear moved true both ways on tight feet.
Graduate Dog (1)
1st Freudenreich’s, Lockolea Rocket Man, 2yr old, red blanket, lighter boned male of good size. Pleasing head, good front and ribs. Carrying a level topline when stacked and on the move, moved well.
Limit dog (3 – 1abs)
1st Grimshaw’s, Malrich Hey Jude, 2yr old, dark tri, head ok with dark eye, well set ears. Neat front with tight feet, length ok, well set tail with good bend of stifle moved nicely.
2nd Wood’s, Marada The Cheviot, 2yr old, dark tri of bigger frame, lighter boned. Good depth of head with dark eye, nice ears. Front ok but would prefer better shoulders. Carried a level topline when moving.
Open dog (3)
1st Archer’s, Roamanbay Reddy To Rumble, 3yr old, red blanket, masculine head, nice shaped dark eye, ears well-set on with good curl, neck with good arch into strong well-placed shoulders. Good bone with well-padded feet, tight front with well-sprung ribs extending well-back with a level topline. Strong hind quarters with tail carried right, moved true and with ease. BD and BOS.
2nd Cudlip’s, Woferlow Voyager At Harvidene, nearly 2yr old, black blanketed tri, liked this one very much but preferred the movement of one today. Handsome head with nice depth of muzzle, good eyes and ears, good length of neck with nice tight front, well-sprung ribs carried well-back. Lovely topline into strong rear end, carried tail well on the move. RBD.
3rd Coultas’s, Deucecoupe Duval
Veteran dog (0)
Minor puppy bitches (0)
Puppy bitches (4-1abs)
1st Saunders, Beckshounds Luminara, 9mths, black blanket tri, pretty head with dark eye, nice set leathers. Well-arched neck into good shoulders, nice front, well-sprung ribs, good underline. Level topline which she kept on the move at all times. Pleased to award her BPB and BPIS.
2nd Beckett’s, Beckshounds Layerorgana, 9mths, tri, litter sister to one, very similar in shape and size just preferred the movement on the winner today.
3rd Johnston’s, Burnvale Queen Of Diamonds
Junior bitches (7)
1st Barbrooke’s, Lagniappe Time To Shine, 14mths, red and white, very feminine bitch, sweet head of nice shape, dark eyes, long curling ears, lovely outline, tight shoulders, smooth ribs, level topline, tail set on nicely,
well-angulated, moved well.
2nd Mclean’s, Switherland Gabriella At Stookewood, 16mth, red blanket, bigger than one. Nice head, well-shaped eye, long well-curled ears, good front, nice ribs, strong quarters used well on the move.
3rd Johnston’s, Burnvale Black Diamond.
Yearling bitch (1)
1st Coultas’s, Perfect Peach V Grunsven, 18mths, red and white, pretty bitch with a nice expression and dark eye. Nicely boned with a level topline and good spring of ribs, short loin, with a well muscled rear which she used on the move.
Novice bitch (1)
1st Bushell’s, Whinneybrow Peppermint At Jamikasoka, 13mths, red and white, at her 1st show and not quite happy, although I could assess her movement. Nice head with a dark eye, nice neck and good front, bit soft in topline, she just needs to settle.
Graduate bitch (4- 2abs)
1st Mclean’s, Switherland Final Chase At Stookewood, 2yr old, red and white of good size and outline, very pretty. Nice head and eye, nice set ears, good front and tight shoulders with well-sprung ribs, short loin, tail set on nicely, moved with drive on nice tight feet.
2nd Freudenreich’s, Lockolea Circle Of Life, 2yr old, red and white, smaller build than one with finer bone. Feminine head with good reach of neck, level topline and underline. Well-angulated quarters, moved well and nicely handled.
Limit bitch (8-3abs)
1st Daykin & Whiting’s, Braithwell Aurelia At Annilann, 2yr old, red and white, lovely bitch, nice to go over. Good outline stacked and on the move. Good head, eyes and ears, nice reach of neck into tight shoulders, feet tucked under well. Good front, long ribs, level topline, with correct tail carriage, moved well. Happy to award her RBB.
2nd Hards, Mellow Molly V Grunsven At Braemoray (IMP NLD), 2yr old, red and white, very nice feminine bitch made this class hard to judge. A bit bigger frame than one with good bone, lovely head, nice dark eye and good ear curl. Well-arched neck with good front, good shoulders and ribs. Well-muscled rear which she used on the move.
3rd Archers’s, Armardio Chicago Fire In Roamanbay
Open bitch (4-1abs)
1st Coultas, Deucecoupe Marquesa, 4yr old, broken dark tri, loved this bitch as she walked into the ring. Beautiful head of good depth and darkest of eyes, nice curling leathers, strong powerful neck into well placed tight shoulders, good bone, tight feet, nice front, well-sprung ribs into short lion, good topline and underline. Well shaped hind quarters which she used on the move with drive. Was pleased to award her BB and BIS.
2nd Turner’s, CH Lauralee Dont Stop Me Now Of Devonhound, 2yr old, red and white, preferred the head of one, nice neck, good front, tight shoulders, nice ribs, good angulation, level topline which she kept on the move.
3rd Coultas, AM CH Topsfield Lebrera Ring Around The Roise.
Veteran bitch (1)
1st Pearson’s, CH Roamanbay Russia With Love To Armardio JW, 8yr old, red and white, well deserved her 1st place and BVIS even though she was alone. Lovely to go over, pretty head, good reach of neck, strong tight shoulders, nice ribs, pleased to see she still holds her outline on the move, carries her tail correctly moves true. BVB and BVIS
Champion stakes dog or bitch (4-3abs)
1st Pearson’s, CH Roamanbay Russia With Love To Armardio JW.
(see class 18, Veteran Bitch)
Members stakes dog or bitch (4-2abs)
1st Jones, Clanwillow The Emerald King
(see class 3, Junior Dog)
1st Grimshaw’s, Malrich Hey Jude, 2yr old
(see class, 7 Limit Dog)
Miss Natalie E Hirst. “Kejana”